
PICC emulator mode :
- Added LoadDefaultConfig functions for PICC emulator protocols
- Fixed Append CRC/LoadATQC for Felica
- Reset Trigger complex if change NbSteps value
- Fixed full collision functionality
- Fixed Error 14339 during IBlock type A with ASK reader
- No more response in emulator mode, if no IBlock loaded

Reader mode :
- Fixed Error 217 on SendTcl
- Fixed bitrate in SendTransparent cde in Felica reader mode with sequencer active
- Field stability improvement at high power level
- Fixed too long timeout in type B SendTransparentCommand function

Common :
- Changed GetFrameType return in accordance with trace displays
- Added triggers on ISO15693 reader and PICC emulator modes
- Added warning message on beta versions
- Fixed analyser type A bug with high bit rates
- Changed ISO15693 PICC colour in RGPA trace
- Minimum delay time functions improvement in Toolbox