
- Add possibility to analyze SWP protocol on SMA
- SetS1TransientTime
- SetVccTransientTime
- Reader.SWP.TH0
- Reader.SWP.TH1
- Reader.SWP.BitRate property may now take any value between 28 and 3392 kbps, with a minimum precision of 11 ns on the period (allowing to reach the 1µs, 3µs and 5µs defined by ETSI)
- Reader.SWP.ResumeTime property : higher precision and greater range
- Bugfix: HDLC GetFrame
- Logger bug correction: SOF or EOF and byte received at the same time.

- ISO7816 reader line boost at the start of guard time to for better high speed management.
- PCSC driver now supports TA1=97

- Included Windows 64-bit driver (+ driver is now signed)
- Added Trigger.Count property
- Serial number format change. Now A.B.YY.MMDD
- ContactLAB.WorkingDirectory property
- Extended timers to 12 min
- Added Examples/JScript/Timer/ATR_PPS_APDU_meas_seq.js